Saturday, April 16, 2011

52 'ritas in a year?

I am out to find the best margarita in San Diego! For vacations or other various travels, I might blog about a margarita from other locations out side of San Diego, but for now, I am on the hunt for the BEST margarita, right here, where I call home.

To start off with, I have only come across a few perfect 'ritas in this area. I think thats a crying shame! Then again, I always go to the same places over and over again! Am I limiting myself? If I only go to the same old places, I won't find the bigger and better I crave! Right? So, for the next 52 weeks, a year, I want to try 52 'ritas. (OR MORE) Heck, why limit myself? Lets set down the rules, 52 'ritas, does not mean 52 new restaurant this year! I might spend some time at the same spots as I have already been, but a different 'rita. For example, the restaurant I went to tonight had at least 10 different margaritas on there menu! For a second example, I would also LOVE to learn how to make the best 'rita possible! So, on weeks that I am just not able to go out, I will stay at home and play around with different ways to make the perfect 'rita.

Next topic, not all 'ritas are created equal, and I am a no fluff kind of lady. Meaning, I want an original type 'rita. No pomegranate or any other strange flavors! I want my 'rita to be green, have some lime, preferably blended with salt. I am OK with a 'rita on the rocks once in a while, not all 'ritas should be blended. However, salt is a must. If they cannot get salt to stick on the glass, then at least give me a salt shaker. Yes, I have done that before. I desire my salt with my 'ritas!

So, lets get started!

Follow me on Twitter @SD_Rita, where I plan on tweeting on location!

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